We had our first freeze last Wednesday night, causing me to quickly save the vegetables and herbs that were still growing and close up the garden for the year. So welcome to November! According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha is dominant in November and is characterized by coldness, dryness, and wind. To stay healthy this November, follow some of these tips.
Include hearty whole grains, as well as seasonal fruits and vegetables. Favor sweet and earthy root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squashes and potatoes. Be sure to eat healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, and ghee (clarified butter). Cook with the warming spices of ginger, garlic, cayenne, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves. Meats and poultry are fine this time of year (think Thanksgiving turkey), and soft cheeses like feta and goat cheese are also good. I love the goat cheese logs rolled in cinnamon and cranberries!
With the days becoming shorter and colder, you may want to stay home and cozy up with a loved one, a pet, or with a book. Travelling and visiting with family and friends will come later in the month when we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S., so for now, stay in and relax if you’d like. Did you turn back the clocks last weekend? If so, you’re probably feeling wiped out. This time change abruptly messes with your circadian rhythm, or your internal clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. This is normal and should pass within a few weeks. Continue with your same bedtime each night and your body will adjust. See The Power of Sleep for tips on getting a good night's sleep.
Skin Health
You may notice your skin becoming drier because of the indoor heat, so consider using a humidifier to keep moisture in the air. Avoid overly hot baths and showers because they dry out the skin; and try Abhyanga, or simply massage warm oil into your skin after your bath to prevent your skin from drying out. Lastly, stay hydrated.
The coldness can make your muscles stiff, so be sure to exercise. Walking, hiking, biking, dancing, tai chi, and yoga are wonderful exercises, because they’re grounding yet fluid. Also, a few rounds of Sun Salutation first thing in the morning will wake you up and get your circulation going.
Herbal Remedies
With winter right around the corner, support your immune system with any of the following herbs: Astragalus, Echinacea, Reishi Mushroom, Elderberry, Eleuthero Ginseng, Turmeric, zinc, and/or vitamin C.
To destress and support your nervous system (especially important since the holidays are coming up), try Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Eleuthero Ginseng, Lemon Balm, Holy Basil, California Poppy, Kava Kava, Shatavari, Skullcap, and/or Valerian.
Golden Milk, aka Turmeric Milk, is a warm, spiced milk that supports both the immune system and nervous system. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and high in antioxidants, which antioxidants are compounds that fight cell damage and protect your body from oxidative stress. Cinnamon and ginger are also high in antioxidants. Golden Milk is an old Ayurvedic drink to support relaxation, so if you have trouble sleeping, make a cup of this Golden Milk before bed for a good night’s sleep.

1 cup milk or milk alternative such as Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, etc.
1/4-1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1” cinnamon stick or a pinch of ground cinnamon
2-3 black peppercorns
1 thin slice fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon ghee or coconut oil (the active compound in turmeric is fat soluble, so if you’re using whole milk, you don’t need this)
1 tsp. honey or another sweetener
Optional: 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 small star anise, 1 clove or a pinch of ground clove, 1 cardamom pod or pinch of cardamom
Add all ingredients except the honey and ghee/coconut oil to a saucepan and heat over medium-high heat until it simmers.
Stir well; lower the heat to low-medium.
Cover pan with the lid slightly ajar and let milk simmer for 5-10 minutes depending upon how strong you’d like the flavor. Check to make sure it's simmering and not boiling.
Turn off the heat and strain into your mug.
Stir in ghee or coconut oil and honey.
Relax and enjoy a good night's rest.